Rabu, 20 Februari 2019

School : General Information and Academic Administration

1. School Profile 

School Name  : IloIlo Science and Technology - Laboratory School

School Adress : Burgos St. La Paz, Iloilo City, Philippines
School Vision : ISAT U as a leading science and technology University in Southeast Asia by 2030.
School Mission : The University is committed to provide quality and relevant advanced education, higher technological, professional instruction and training in arts, sciences, education, architecture, engineering, agriculture,, forestry, and other fields of study, thereby producing locally oriented, globally competitive and eco-friendly human resources. It shall promote research and development programs to advance science and technology and undertake sustainable extension and production activities.
Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) Logo Symbols and MeaningThe Gear
Represents technology and the history, traditions and identity of the University. Inside the gear, is the name Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) in Times New Roman which was established in 1905.
Book and Torch
The open book symbolizes knowledge and power while the torch with flame stands for enlightenment and wisdom.
Stands for science and technology, which are the main thrust of the University.
Represents the service sector where the graduates of the University are employed after completing the education.
Laurel Fronds
Represents glory, honor and success of the University.
Gold and Blue are the official colors of the University.

This school was established in 1905 as an elementary trade school known as the Iloilo Trade School. By virtue of Commonwealth Act No. 313 in 1939, the school was converted into a National School of Arts and Trade with Iloilo School of Arts and Trades as its official name. In 1940, the school offered the Two-year Teacher Education Curriculum for the graduates of the secondary trade schools and Three-Year Education Curriculum for graduates in general high school.

In 1951, the school was authorized to open the degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education (BSIE). The school was made a training center in the development of industrial arts program when the team of Industrial Educators from Stanford University arrived in 1957. In 1968, it also became a training center for implementation of the reconstructed manpower program of the National Manpower and Youth Council. In 1974, the Educational Development Project Implementation Task Force (EDPITAF) identified the school as the Regional Staff Development Center (RSDC) for Practical Arts in Western Visayas. It also pioneered in the implementation of the graduate program for vocational technical education in 1976 offering the degree Master of Arts in Teaching Vocational Education.

In May 1983, by virtue of Batas Pambansa Blg 395, the school was converted into a chartered state college known as the Western Visayas College of Science and Technology. The College has grown into a leading technological and professional manpower development institution as it serves Region VI and the whole country. To meet its vision as the Center of Excellence in Science and Technology, the College has established its Local Area Network (LAN) that links different colleges and departments to the internet for the vast resources of the virtual world.

Through this worldwide web the College get wired, giving our students, faculty, and staff access to information highway that is needed to harness instruction, research, extension, and production of the College.

The College Library has its Online Public Catalog (OPAC) for the users to retrieve fast and easy information on the author, title and subjects of the books. The Administration and Operation of the College has been certified by Anglo Japan American (AJA) Registrars and registered under the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:1994 with Certificate NO. AJA01/3635 on August 24, 2001.

The College acquired a 1.5-hectare lot across the road in addition to its present 4.75 ha. area that accommodates the main campus. 
Core Values
Institutional Goals
  1. To provide a nurturing environment where academic freedom is guaranteed and respected for the optimum development of human potential.
  2. To produce highly competent and eco-friendly graduates, who will become leaders and experts in their fields of specialization.
  3. To conduct research towards the advancement of science and technology.
  4. To provide extension and production activities for the improvement of the quality of life in the community.
  5. To provide effective and efficient delivery of services through responsive management of human, physical, financial, and information resources.

Institutional Outcomes
  1. ISAT U graduates will demonstrate:
    1. love of God and Nation;
    2. expertise in their field of specialization;
    3. leadership in the practice of their profession;
    4. social responsiveness, gender sensitivity and respect towards people and environment;
    5. awareness of and concern to domestic and global issues;
    6. ability to communicate effectively and think critically and creatively.
  2. ISAT U graduates will work:
    1. with integrity and commitment in their respective fields of endeavors;
    2. harmoniously in a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment
  3. ISAT U graduates will engage in:
    1. life-long learning by keeping abreast with the latest development in the society;
    2. the development and transfer of technology.

1.2 Academic Support System
The academic support systems at ISAT U Laboratory School, they have a bulletin board, in each class has a blackboard, in each class has a large television to teach slideshows, but if you cannot use a large television the teacher can use a projector. They have elementary class from grade 1 until grade 6. Classes are divided into 4 classes for secondary schools and 2 classes for secondary schools. Middle schools have 4 classes namely grade 7, grade 8, grade 9, and  grade 10, while in secondary school have 2 classes namely grade 11 and grade 12. In high school they have around 50 students each class, they have clinics for the sick will be directly handled by doctors, have a wide field for ceremonies, and they have laboratory space such as biology laboratories, physical laboratories, chemical laboratories and others.

1.3 Teaching System
At ISAT U - laboratory school they strive to ensure that every student has every opportunity to succeed. The teacher and homeroom teacher will help students who experience academic difficulties. If the teacher knows that student scores are declining, they will help students by giving consultations. If there are students who are still late in collecting the project the teacher will continue to wait so that each student has good grades at the end of the semester.
Each teacher handles one subject to be taught, teaching subjects for each subject are 1 hour / meeting. The school starts from 7.30 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon. The teacher usually reviews the topics that students already have at the last meeting when they start teaching about new topics.

1.4 Materials and Other Learning Sources
The main learning resources at the ISAT U-Laboratory school are the books provided by the school. Schools often make students use the Internet as other learning resources, schools also provide TV students to present presentations or videos and blackboards to the media to explain the concept. Teachers usually use their own books, teacher guides, and other sources such as the internet, e-books, textbooks as their material and learning resources.

1.5 Measurement and Evaluation
School's measurement and evaluation uses quiz, assignments, and final assignments. Each quiz is held after one chapter is completed and each sub topic has tasks that must be done by students. And in their final assignment they made the final project in one group.The minimum grade needed to pass a specific learning area is 75. All grades will be based on a weighted raw score from the summative assessment of students. Students from Grades 1 to 12 are assessed at Written Work, Performance Tasks, and Quarterly Assessments every quarter. All three are given a certain percentage of weight which varies according to the nature of the learning area.

1.6 Curriculum
The curriculum that used by ISAT U - laboratory school is k to 12 curriculum guide science. The curriculum Science education aims to develop scientific literacy among students that will prepare them to be informed and participative citizens who are able to make judgments and decisions regarding applications of scientific knowledge that may have social, health, or environmental impacts. The science curriculum recognizes the place of science and technology in everyday human affairs. It integrates science and technology in the civic, personal, social, economic, and the values and ethical aspect of life. The science curriculum promotes a strong link between science and technology, including indigenous technology, keeping our country’s cultural uniqueness and peculiarities intact. 

1.7 Teaching Plan
Iloilo Science and Technology University-Laboratory School  uses detailed teaching plans, so what is conveyed in the class must be included in the lesson plan. The teacher must make lesson plans every time they want to teach.

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